We need a society where rape victims are protected more!
- 15/06/2021

While struggling to find peace with my own story and listening to so many of yours, it baffles me how much criminals/perpetrators/rapists/monsters are being protected so much by our society while victims are usually either going through it all by themselves, often being disbelieved, their feelings dismissed or minimized. This isn’t an exception but rather a normality across the world.
I recently have listened to a bunch of Ted talks as well, where survivors and advocates spoke up about how often rape victims get neglected, guilt tripped and victim blamed for ripping apart the “perfect” lives of their perpetrators after they told their story. After they told their TRUTH.
Very often, especially with intrafamilial sexual assault the victims are looked at as the one who ruined lives, not the rapist. The rapists are often still welcomed within the families while the victim has to reside and is often shamed for ever talking about it, left with no help and told to keep quiet.
Apart from not being believed or helped by strangers when we reach out -like police officers or teachers, it’s rarely discussed that people in our close circle are dismissive of our stories and are unwilling to help because we’re still not taught that it’s the rape victim is deserving of the help, respect and care, not the rapist!
How are rape victims and survivors treated where you live?
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