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My life just fell apart: the supermarket visit 15min after getting diagnosed with a tumor

my life just fell apart

I’m posting the post and journey about my uterine tumor here starting on May 13th (yet this post was made and published on May 6th ’21), as I decided to make this place on the interwebs even more so a home for us all. I decided to not be limited by the word limit or algorithms on Instagram, but share all of my content on my blog as well.

What I posted on May 6th:

I was planning to go to the grocery store after my gynecologist appointment. I was pretty sure what I noticed the previous time was “just nothing”. I was basically in denial, is exactly what I notice right now as I’m typing this.

I was standing in line at the checkout and right now it’s one big blur, but I know somehow I broke my baguette and I bought some pizza because I just knew I wouldn’t be cooking meals that evening and the radio was playing songs about dying. I was overthinking my entire existence, my meaning in life. I walked down the book aisle and picked up a self-help book. Even though I have so many unread books, I just had to self-soothe at that moment. This wasn’t what is otherwise a simple visit to the grocery store.

We’re passing by so many people on a daily basis and I used to think about what all these people’s lives are like. I’m a person with my own baggage, and I imagine they are people with theirs. But in your everyday trip to the grocery store, you really don’t want to be the jerk who is cutting in line of someone who is about to purchase a broken baguette and whose life just fell apart by hearing the devastating news that she has been growing a tumor in her uterus and won’t be carrying a child anytime soon.



ps: I am going to post a few more blogposts so you’re on track with the tumor health journey here on my blog as well.

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