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Escape to be free

Escape to be free

I made a new comic about my feelings fo escape in order to be free. To escape doesn’t necessarily mean physically, but I can’t explain better than in the words I wrote that goes with the comic. It’s kind of like a poem, even though I’m far from being a poet.

Here it is:

I want to be free from anxiety
I want to return to being just me
And feel comfortable in my own company.

I can’t stand that hurtful inner nemesis
Screaming out loud my past miseries
As if it’s all still happening.

I want to just breathe
As if I am fearless
Freed from all worries
Make new adventures
And pass on profound stories

I dream about enjoying life
with all that’s left of me.



If you want to get early access to my work, as my Patron, you’ll get early access to everything I create via or shop at (where you can also find the #RECLAIMYOURBODY apparel line)

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