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Prudence's Blog

jeans sizing

A letter to those people who decide on the jeans sizing

We are 2021 getting closer to 2022, tech is getting fancy, cars drive and park by themselves, it’s an AMAZING world we live in! THOUGH when shopping for pants or jeans, somehow I still can’t trust the sizing of them. I purchase jeans, then hope they last a long time, only to be devastated when they’re all worn out. And not because I liked them so much, no, because it’s hell to find new ones that fit as good as that rare one you found months or years ago.
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Breast Cancer Awareness – Breast Check 101

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and that deserves all the attention that it can! Breast cancer prevention is extremely important as it reduces the risk of developing invasive breast cancer.
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Why Body Positivity shouldn’t be your main focus

I love body neutrality more than body positivity and let me tell you WHY. With body positivity we are taught to love how our bodies look!
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I’m back + a little gift for you!

I had considered taking a break for a while now, because I literally felt drained, I felt anxious to post and even anxious to create. I felt like I had so much to do and ended up doing so much and nothing at the same time. I couldn't draw and had no inspiration or motivation.
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What Social Media could be used for

What Social Media could be used for - As I’m listening to the newest episode of my favorite true crime podcast, I am STOPPING everything I’m doing and I start drawing this comic. Alicia Navarro went missing in 2019 at the age of 14. She was last seen in Glendale, Arizona. Alicia has high functioning autism
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10 signs you’re dealing with a narcissistic person

10 signs you’re dealing with a narcissistic person - Detaching yourself from a narcissistic person is difficult, requires a lot of energy, standing your ground, keeping your boundaries and so much more, and it can still take ages and decades to be fully detached. Often being in the narcissist’s control is something that you didn’t see coming, never noticed happening and believe me, it’s something you couldn’t control either way. The narcissist wants what the narcissist wants.
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Getting naked

Getting nakedI don’t nearly love my body as much as I should and I feel like I still…
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I’m Not Dressed Like a Slut, You Just Think Like a Rapist

Last week I reposted a quote that said “Reminder as we get into hotter weather: you’re not dressed…
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The Artist: an uncomfortable job

Receiving hate as an artist is still more normalized than actually being an artist and making a living out of it.
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