A letter on why your body IS enough
- 18/05/2021
It’s totally understandable why you believe that your body is imperfect, unworthy of love, flawed, that you show up being “brave” to show your body instead of just beautifully you. It’s social media misleading us and its unrealistic expectations it has built up towards your body.
There’s no way you can be curvy enough, skinny enough, pretty enough or good enough in general if you’d try to live up to today’s societal standards.
Let me tell you just this: SOCIAL MEDIA AND SOCIETY ARE WRONG!
On social media we’re watching a constant highlight, filtered or altered image of someone’s reality. We’re watching a moment, captured in a split second, posted after a big chunk of time contemplating on what image they’ll eventually post and which one was shot at the right angle. Worst case, the body itself was altered to look bigger, skinnier, softer, or more muscular by running it through an app that alters their bodies to look nothing like its real version.
We’re scrolling past images of people who we see as perfectly happy with how they look, when they -just moments before- have altered and filtered away all their own insecurities. And this is a constant spiral we, as a society, can’t seem to get rid of just yet. But there’s hope. And it starts with you!
When you scroll past another photo, start the comparison game as your thoughts go to this place of not being good enough because you’re not looking and living “like them”, think of the fact that these people are also dealing with their own demons and struggles towards their bodies as they otherwise would not make such a huge effort to get rid of them through apps and filters. We’re all going in circles comparing each other with someone else we look up to.
Imagine if the people you look up to would also start to be real, honest, raw and vulnerable about their own insecurities and talk differently towards themselves and their community.
There are so many people looking up towards you already. Imagine if you’d talk in a loving way towards and about yourself and inspire your loved ones to do the same, so they on their part do the same with others like a chain reaction. Wouldn’t that make a huge difference?
I believe that by reclaiming your body, showing up as YOU, changing your narrative to a positive one, stop comparing your body to others’, and inspiring others to love themselves as well, that’s how we can make a change! That’s how we can shift society’s unrealistic standards and expectations.
If you needed a sign, this is it.
You are enough to forgive yourself for pressuring your body into these false, unrealistic expectations.
You are enough to be loved.
You are enough to be healed.
Your body is enough.
You are worthy of all the good in the world!
If you want to get early access to my work, as my Patron, you’ll get early access to everything I create via www.patreon.com/planetprudence or shop at www.planetprudence.com (where you can also find the #RECLAIMYOURBODY apparel line)